Monday, May 17, 2010

Chapter 18

Chapter 18- Comparative Criminal Justice

1. Theft is the most common crime in the world.
2. Crimes is not usually reported to the police because the victims and offenders have similarities.
3. Countries with low crime rates usually have developed strong social control through family systems and religious tradition, practice, and belief
4. Hijacking, trafficking in humans, corruption and war crimes are the usual international crime.
5. Trafficking in humans- the smuggling of women and children from their home countries usually for purposes of sexual exploitation.
6. Genocide- intentionally destroying an ethnic, racial, national, or religious group in a systematic manner
7. Europol shares information about drug trafficking, among member countries of the European unions.
8. Efforts are being made to professionalize law enforcement agencies around the world.
9. (1)Civil, (2) Common, (3) Islamic, and (4) Socialist are the four families/categories of law.
10. It is difficult to compare crime rates in different nations because of the various methodological problems.

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